What Is The Hemi Tick?

Are you curious to know what is the hemi tick? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about the hemi tick in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is the hemi tick?

What Is The Hemi Tick?

When it comes to high-performance engines, few have captured the hearts of automotive enthusiasts quite like the legendary HEMI engine. Renowned for its power, efficiency, and unmistakable sound, the HEMI has become synonymous with performance and adrenaline-pumping experiences. Among the many captivating aspects of the HEMI engine is its distinctive “Hemi Tick” sound. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what the Hemi Tick is, why it occurs, and why it continues to captivate automotive enthusiasts around the world.

Understanding The Hemi Engine:

Before we explore the Hemi Tick, let’s first understand what makes the HEMI engine unique. The term “HEMI” refers to a specific engine design with a hemispherical combustion chamber. This design places the valves and spark plug at opposite sides of the chamber, allowing for efficient air and fuel flow and optimal combustion. The result is increased power, improved fuel efficiency, and reduced emissions.

What Is The Hemi Tick?

The Hemi Tick is a distinct tapping or ticking sound that is often heard when a HEMI engine is running. It is characterized by a rhythmic metallic tick, reminiscent of a sewing machine or a rapid-fire drumbeat. This sound is particularly noticeable at idle or during low RPM (revolutions per minute) operation.

Causes Of The Hemi Tick:

The Hemi Tick is primarily caused by the design and construction of the HEMI engine. Several factors contribute to the creation of this unique sound:

  1. Hydraulic Valve Lifters: HEMI engines typically use hydraulic valve lifters, which help maintain proper valve clearance and reduce noise. However, these lifters can sometimes produce a slight ticking sound as they operate.
  2. Pushrod Design: The HEMI engine employs a pushrod valvetrain configuration, where the camshaft is positioned lower in the engine block. This design, while effective for performance, can contribute to the audible ticking noise due to the longer pushrods and their interaction with the lifters and rocker arms.
  3. High Performance Camshaft: HEMI engines often feature high-performance camshafts with aggressive lobes that open and close the valves with precision. The design of these camshafts can amplify the ticking sound, especially at lower RPMs.
  4. Exhaust Manifold Design: The HEMI engine’s exhaust manifold design can also influence the Hemi Tick. The presence of long, tubular exhaust headers can create resonance and amplify the ticking sound, further adding to the engine’s unique auditory signature.

Enthralling Automotive Enthusiasts:

The Hemi Tick has become a beloved feature of the HEMI engine, captivating automotive enthusiasts for several reasons:

  1. Iconic Sound: The Hemi Tick is an auditory symbol of power and performance. Enthusiasts instantly recognize the distinctive ticking sound and associate it with the raw energy and excitement that the HEMI engine represents.
  2. Nostalgia And Heritage: The HEMI engine has a rich history in motorsports and American muscle cars, contributing to its iconic status. The Hemi Tick serves as a nostalgic reminder of the classic muscle car era and the dominance of the HEMI-powered vehicles on the track.
  3. Mechanical Symphony: For many enthusiasts, the Hemi Tick is akin to a symphony of mechanical precision and power. It adds a unique character to the engine’s operation and enhances the overall auditory experience of driving a HEMI-powered vehicle.


The Hemi Tick is more than just a ticking noise; it’s a defining characteristic of the legendary HEMI engine. Its distinct sound adds to the allure and mystique of the HEMI, creating a symphony of power and performance. Whether experienced while idling or under acceleration, the Hemi Tick serves as a reminder of the engineering marvel and the indomitable spirit of the HEMI engine. It continues to captivate automotive enthusiasts worldwide and solidifies the HEMI’s rightful place in the annals of automotive history.

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Is The Hemi Lifter Tick Bad?

Chrysler/Dodge maintains that a Hemi tick is normal and has not recalled ticking Hemi engines. That does not mean all is necessarily well. We are not engine designers or engineers. That means we will not say that an engine that develops ticks and is considered “normal” has a design flaw.

What Causes A 5.7 Hemi To Tick?

The Dodge Ram Hemi tick could be caused by: Broken or loose exhaust manifold bolts (this is the most common answer) Loose spark plugs (this is the second most common answer) Roller rocker on the camshafts.

What Is The 5.7 Tick On A Hemi?

A Chrysler “Hemi Tick” lawsuit alleges that several vehicles with Gen III 5.7-L or 6.4-L Hemi 392 V8 engines experience bucking, surging, misfires, rough idling, ticking noises and engine failures.

Is Lifter Tick Easy To Fix?

You’ve been told you have a lifter tick. The fix for this problem can be as simple as pulling the valve covers and adjusting the valves, or as involved as replacing all of the lifters in your car’s engine. A lifter tick is caused when the push rod or camshaft doesn’t make continuous contact with the lifters.


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